Friday, July 15, 2011

So close to sending your project? start cycling!

Research in recovery methods in climbing focusses mainly on two subjects: 1) fast recovery during climbing and 2) recovery after or between climbs. Heyman et al. studied the latter back in 2009. Conclusion: lower limb cycling and cold water immersion at least maintained performance during the second attempt compared to passive recovery and electrostimulation.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This blog intends to make peer-reviewed scientific publications on climbing-related subjects accesible for a broader audience. A lot of things we do because we don't know better, are tought so or because they just feel natural. Science provides the rationale behind i.e. sports related injury, technique, gear, stenght and endurance. Yet, science also, is not always right. Think for yourself and always consider your gut feeling to be right.